On 4 February, the REACH Committee voted in favour of the European Commission’s proposal for a REACH restriction on diisocyanates. The restriction – which ALIPA, ISOPA and broad segments of the diisocyanates value chain support – will introduce mandatory training requirements for workers using diisocyanates. This is in line with the opinion delivered by ECHA’s Risk Assessment Committee, which confirmed that mandatory training is “the most appropriate EU-wide measure to address risk in terms of the effectiveness, in reducing the risk, practicality and monitorability” associated with diisocyanates.
Diisocyanate manufacturers have invested in the development of a comprehensive package of training materials, which we are preparing for rollout following entry into force of the REACH restriction. We support the implementation of the restriction, which we see as an opportunity to achieve an effective interface between REACH and OSH legislation that will provide workers with the necessary knowledge and skills to safely handle diisocyanates.
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